Message from Doug

Learning and Getting Better

It has been estimated that there are more than 150 concrete contractors in Metro Atlanta. Before the Great Recession, that number was well over 200 concrete contractors plying their trade in this metropolitan area.

That’s a lot of foundation contractors. In spite of that large number, our company was the only local contractor at the recent Concrete Foundations Association Convention – an event where concrete contractors go to learn how to be better contractors. (You can read more about that event on page 2.)

So, why is that? Why were we the only concrete contractor in all of Georgia to attend that important event? Are we the only foundation contractor in Metro Atlanta that cares about building better basements? Where were the other contractors?
If your concrete contractor isn’t interested in keeping up to date on codes, reducing jobsite injuries, and improving their business, then what are they interested in? Are they interested in doing the right thing? In ensuring that you are getting a straight, square, correct foundation?
If you have a problem with a foundation they put in for you, will they still be around in a year to fix it? Do they know how to prevent problems from occurring in the first place?

What kind of company have you chosen to construct your foundations – the most important part of your house?

They say that if you aren’t growing, then you are dying. I believe that. I think a similar truth can be said about business: If you aren’t getting better, then you are getting worse. Is your concrete contractor getting better or worse?

To Your Success,

While in Utah for the concrete convention (see article here...), my kids and I went to Moab, which was our home base for hiking in Arches National Park.