Happy Father’s Day

¨ “When I was your age…”

¨ “You make a better door than a window.”

We love our Dads, we really do!  Sometimes it takes becoming a parent to remember some of the most memorable things we heard as a child…


¨ “Do you think money grows on trees?”

¨ “I WILL turn this car around!”

¨ “Sit up straight.”

¨ “Stop making that face or it will get stuck that way.”

¨ “When you are paying the bills, then you can make the rules.”

¨ “If your friends jump off a bridge, are you going to do it too?”

¨ “Waste not, want not.”

¨ “Keep your eye on the ball.”

¨ “He’s your brother, not a pull toy.”

¨ “Your grounded until you’re 30.”

¨ “Do as I say, not as I do.”

¨ “You don’t know what hard work is.”

¨ “No one ever said that life is fair.”

¨ “This is going to hurt me more than its going to hurt you.”

¨ “You call that music?”

¨ “I thought I told you to go before we left the house.”

¨ “Go ask your Mother.”

¨ “Because I’m the Dad, that’s why.”