How About A FREE Turkey for the Holidays?

thanksgiving-turkey-dinner We at Herbert Construction Company are so thankful for our customers and newsletter subscribers, and as a way of expressing our thankfulness, we are giving away four frozen turkeys – absolutely free!

YOU can be a winner! Just be one of the first people to call Doug at 678-859-2304, even if it is the weekend. He will personally deliver your 16-18 lb. frozen turkey to you, just in time for Thanksgiving Day.

Don’t worry, there is no “catch” or “hook”. Doug won’t try to sell you on anything. So even if you haven’t done business with us before, or haven’t been able to use our company in a while, please call! You can bring home a free turkey for your Holiday feast – and your family will love you for it!

Just remember, only four free turkeys will be given away, so call right away to reserve yours. Limit one turkey per company. This offer is only available to our inner circle of newsletter subscribers… not the general public.