International Redneck Engineering Awards

Aerial Platforms/Lifting Category

It’s time for our International Redneck Awards! The category is: Aerial Platforms/Lifting.

These are the International Redneck Awards because redneck ingenuity is universal.

The four nominees are shown here. Determine which photo displays the finest example of redneck engineering. Then, place your vote by emailing the contestant number that you think should win, to:

To determine the winner, the votes will be carefully and scientifically tallied using our super high tech desktop calculator.

Disclaimer: None of these photos were taken from a Herbert jobsite – though we can’t vouch for our competitors.

1Two forklifts are better than one (Really?)
Two forklifts are better than one (reallly?).

Poorman’s bucket truck.

Don’t mind the water

Tractor-powered forklift.