Luxury Item – Just in time for Christmas

The “Wish List” item for the guy with multiple cars and not enough garage space.

automobile-lifts-3 Have you seen the vehicle lifts for residential applications?  The four post hydraulic lift is a less expensive alternative to the traditional scissor lift.  The big advantage with this system  is that it lowers one car into a lower level, allowing another car to be parked on top of the lift’s canopy (which now serves as the floor of the garage). Prices start at around $25,000.


While this would never be practical in suburban subdivisions, there are specific applications for it here in Atlanta, such as:

  • At intown locations where square footage and garage space iimages at a premium.
  • At teardowns inside the perimeter with narrow lots that make multi-car garages impossible.
  • Where the grade at the garage slopes away quickly requiring tall garage foundation walls.  Instead of backfilling that garage foundation, a lower level can be created for additional vehicle storage.
  • To create a “Man Cave” in a lower level where collector cars, motorcycles, jet skis, etc. can be stored, worked on and displayed.

We can work with you to design and construct a vehicle lift for your client.  We also will assemble and install the lift in place. 

The photos are from