Survival Strategies for Atlanta Home Building Professionals

How are Atlanta area home builders coping during this recession? 

What are the changes (both small and large) that home builders have made to reduce their costs? 

What have others in the building industry done to try to SURVIVE? 

These are some questions I have been asking myself over the past several months.  I have also been posing those questions to our home builder clients and fellow trade contractors. 

Along the way I learned of many valuable tactics that have been used to cope with the recession.  The more I learned, the more I wanted to share this information with others in the home building industry. 

I have compiled these survival strategies and am putting the finishing touches on a Special Report that shares this information.  If you would like a FREE copy once the Report is finished, send me an email and let me know. 

Be sure to include your current contact information and I’ll add you to the list to receive the Special Report.

My email address is